Programming Courses at MPI Evolutionary Biology

As every year, some PostDocs and Staff Scientists offer courses on computing, programming, data analysis and visualization and related topics. Requirements: Some courses require that participants already have certain levels of experience and knowledge. Before signing up, please assess for yourself if you feel comfortable with these requirements. If in doubt, please contact the course responsible. During the course, there will not be enough time to bring everybody up to the expected level before starting the course program. [Read More]

Running matlab code on HPC with SLURM

Running MATLAB scripts on HPC Today, the question came up how to run MATLAB code on HPC featuring a SLURM scheduler. The syntax for running matlab on the command line is indeed a bit counterintuitive, at least if you are (like me) used to running python or R scripts. Example SLURM script The following snippet is an example for how to submit a matlab script for execution on an HPC Server with the SLURM scheduler: [Read More]