New remote visualisation service at MPCDF

The Max-Planck Computing and Data Facility enables users to run computationally demanding graphical front ends (GUIs) on their high performance computing resources. This means you can run the executable on the HPC cluster while interacting with the GUI on your desktop or laptop PC. To use this service, you will need access to the MPCDF cluster ‘Draco’. Here is a web form to request access. After your account is activated, simply follow the instructions on https://rvs. [Read More]

How to change your hugo theme

While writing this blog, I needed to change the theme. Here’s the steps to follow: 1) Pick a theme from 2) Get the URL for the themes' github repository. E.g for the theme of this blog ("tale") the URL is . 3) Add the theme as a git submodule to your page's repository. From the project's root directory: $> git submodule add <theme-url> and replace <theme-url> by your favourite theme's URL from 2) above. [Read More]

New website for the Microbial Population Biology Department

If you have not seen it, check out the all new website of the Microbial Population Biology Department. It provides in-depth information about all ongoing research projects in the Department and its affiliated Research Groups. There’s also a section on computational pipelines and the pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 knowledge base (prototype reachable from within the MPI Evolbio subnet here).

Gillespie Simulator

Joining forces with Loukas Theodosiou and Da Zhou (Visitig Scholar at Evolutionary Theory Department),  we set out to implement a stochastical simulation code based on the Gillespie algorithm to model the growth of barcoded bacterial communities. The source code is hosted at GWDG’s gitlab instance at, the reference manual and a small documented example can be found at